True financial wisdom is more than just a set of principles or scripture-based advice. As Bill Johnson says,
This is our biggest and, to some degree, only issue with all the financial advice out there today. Following Godly financial principles without pursuing God Himself has taken the place of true financial wisdom.
Financial principles like budgeting, saving, and living within your means, etc., have stood the test of time. They work. However, there are certain seasons where they may look different than they do in others based on circumstances. Think of all these wise principles, best practices, and recommended methods as many tools to add to your tool belt. They shouldn’t be relied upon as the “end all be all,” but they shouldn’t be ignored either.
We can plan financially for the future and it is smart to do so. But the fact of the matter is that we have absolutely no idea what may happen tomorrow. Without a relationship with God we have no capacity to know anything beyond our own desires, goals, and current situation.
Many people adhere solely to financial principles and techniques recommended by the latest guru, while others manage finances from a completely Biblical perspective. Now, biblical principles should always take precedence over earthly advice, but all of it should be surrendered to what God is personally leading you into. The fundamental purpose of the Bible is to invite us into a deeper relationship with Papa God, in Jesus, by Holy Spirit. It’s not solely meant to teach us truth or give us principles to live by. Those obviously are invaluable benefits, yes, but they’re not the point. If we just take the Bible for the Bible, without building a relationship with the person of Jesus, we’ve totally missed the point.
Is your desire to build something for yourself? Or is your desire to build something for Him? If it’s to build something for Him, then simply following a set of principles in our tool belt— even Biblical financial principles—is not going to cut it. If our desire truly is to build the kingdom of God, then we can only do this through wisdom that is not of this world. Heavenly wisdom. HIS wisdom.
“Lucky” for us, His desire is to give us His wisdom.
Proverbs 25:2 says,
“It is God’s privilege to conceal things
Proverbs 25:2 (New Living Translation)
and the king’s privilege to discover them.”
Do we really understand what this means for us? This means God hides things FOR US, not FROM US. And it is actually our privilege (other translations use the word glory) to discover, or search them out. Ephesians 1:3 says that in Jesus we have already been given every spiritual blessing that exists in the heavenly places. This includes heavenly wisdom. Searching it out is the process to accessing with our minds what’s already been made available to our spirits. So, how do we do this? We build a relationship with him that makes Jesus the center in every area of our lives.
This Looks Like Something
As we said above, True Financial Wisdom is inviting God into your finances, surrendering them to him and committing to use them for His glory.
So, how do we use them for His glory? Well, only HE can tell you. Yes, there are many biblical principles and pieces of financial advice that could be applied, but heavenly wisdom tells you how, when, where and why.
Without an ongoing relationship with God, you’re just living by a set of principles – a kingdom without a king. We were designed to live in, through and by a relationship. And one of the greatest benefits of this relationship is that when we are faithless, He is faithful still. When we screw up, He fills in our gaps. When we fall short, He brings us farther than we could ever go even if we did it perfectly. That’s the magnificent love He has for us. The point of it all is not getting it right. The point is the relationship. And He wants us to know this so badly that he’ll extravagantly bless us in the midst of our failures if we’re continually seeking His heart and kingdom.
Now that’s a security I’d take over an emergency fund any day.
The Practical Application
What then does that mean for us in determining practical application for our finances?
Always be MORE AWARE of what God is saying about your financial situation more that what the world is saying about it. Just ask him: Daddy, what do you say about my finances? And then be diligent to remind yourself of this every chance you get.
Make it a point to invite Him into conversation, and ask Him specifically what to do before making any financial decisions.
Get comfortable with the fact that the world most likely will not understand your decision-making. They don’t need to. God often does things backwards, upside down and spun around in the world’s eyes. We get it. It’s not always fun. But it’s always worth it.
If you can’t hear Him, go back the Word until you do. The Word of God is His voice, it is Him. John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” It acts like a tuner that gets us on the right frequency to hear what He is saying. You can never go wrong with reading more of the Bible – just remember, the Bible alone is not the point. He is.
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Now you tell us – where are you most struggling with walking in true financial wisdom? What questions do you have?